MONDAY Social Studies- Presidents Research Project due Feb. 13
SPELLING WORDS Week of Jan. 27 1. if 2. school 3. or 4. any 5. small 6. break 7. gray 8. okay 9. paint 10. praise 11. rain 12. sleigh 13. spray 14. steak 15. weigh
VOCABULARY Week of Jan. 20 1. alarm: An alarm is something that wakes people or warns them of danger. It could be a bell or a buzzer. 2. collect: When you gather things together, you collect them. 3. damp: When something is damp, it is a little wet or moist. 4. insect: An insect is a small animal with three main body parts, six legs, wings, and no backbone. Bees, flies, and moths are insects. 5. plant: A plant is a living thing that grows in soil or in water. It often has green leaves. plant: You plant when you put something such as a seed in the ground so it can grow. 6. safe: If something is safe, it is not in danger of being harmed or stolen. safe: A safe is a strong box in which you can lock up money and other valuable things. 7. scatter: When you scatter things, you throw them over a large area. 8. soil: Soil is the dirt or earth that plants grow in. 9. team: A team is a group of people who work together or play a sport together. 10. tool: A tool is a piece of equipment used to do a certain job.
Social Studies - Presidents Research Project - due Feb. 13
SCIENCE VOCABULARY 1. Brain: The organ that controls the body. 2. Ear: Part of the body that helps a person hear. 3. Sound: What is heard when the brain receives information from the ear. 4. Sound waves: Movements in solids, liquids, or gases caused by vibrations. 5. Vibration: A back and forth motion.